[original email date of July 22, 2017]


What is God calling each of us into?  For me, I believe He wants me to explore His world and to carry His message to a region where people do not trust Jesus.  Does that sound big?  I agree, and that’s why I’m including you.  He wants me to use the skills that you (yes, you) have been developing in me over these many years.  I invite you to be a part of this journey.

This Journey

Reflecting on the meaningful experiences in my life I recognize that I was often invited into a majority of those experiences.  This is no different.  I believe God has invited me on this journey.  A journey I never imagined I’d be on, a journey with questions I can’t answer, and a journey without a formula to follow.  What.Am.I.Doing!!  When I get overwhelmed and things don’t make sense I just try to focus on getting to the ‘next step.’  I rest in being available and humble and attentive.  In His sovereignty He might have something to teach me in the journey; more so than in the destination.

How I Got Here

The short version of the story goes like this:  Over the past year there were several invitations to a ‘next step.’  For the second time I traveled with a team to Paris to support our missionaries and while there God broke my heart.  While walking in a Parisian market I said (out loud) “God, what do you want me to tell them?”  Shortly after the second trip God opened my heart to the possibility of serving His Kingdom in a new way.  Did I dare to challenge the comfort zone I lived in?  With guidance from some of you I followed the ‘next step’ of discernment and attended a retreat.  I desperately wanted a clear path (a burning bush would do it), but I did not receive it.  I did, however, receive an open path.  An open path meant filling out an application with MB Mission (a missions organization with workers all over the world).  It couldn’t hurt to answer some questions and put an experienced team in the driver seat.  My application was accepted and I was invited to an intentional time of discernment specifically with MB Mission.  During this time God revealed to me that I was not adrift in my own thoughts, but that He had ways to use me which I had never considered before.  After a few more evaluations I was invited to attend a training session.  A 15-week training session.  In Canada.  This fall.  And there I stood; at a crossroad.  Those ‘next steps’ had turned into THEE ‘next step.’  A very public and very monumental decision was right in front of me. Would I remain at my job of 20 years OR continue on with this journey.  In an act of obedience to follow His guidance I surrendered the world that I so comfortably navigated and I submitted my resignation effective this August.

What Is The ‘Next Step’

I will attend a 15-week training session with MB Mission in Canada starting mid-August.  At the end of training we will discern my assignment with the intent of placing me overseas.  That’s about all I know (have I mentioned I don’t have a lot of answers?).  Therein lies my reason for writing you.  I invite you to walk, seek answers, and explore these ‘next steps’ with me.  I’m looking for 40 committed prayer partners (please respond to this email) and $6,500 in fundraising (click here) for my time in training.  I welcome your prayers and visions and please pass them on as you feel led.  I marvel at moments in this journey where people have shared something to affirm my own thoughts and prayers.  I humbly submit to His leading in both of these areas for you.

Forever blessed to be able to call on you for something like this.  Thank you for your time and consideration.