[original email date of October 23, 2017]

It continues to be a time filled with challenges, but I suppose that’s part of the deal when you go through a period of transition (is that what I’m calling this?).  Our training topics are designed to challenge our thinking, to equip us with His authority, and to search our souls.  At this point I can confidently say ‘mission accomplished’ but the learning continues and will do so throughout this journey.


Recently, our team had a week of training on the core principles needed to “do church.”  What specifically is necessary for church?  I had a difficult time answering this question.  For one thing, I don’t know if I’ve ever thought about it before.  Second thing, my U.S. culture makes it easy for me to slip into a consumer mentality.  Only the highest quality product (sermon, worship, service opportunities) will satisfy my church experience.  I ended the week asking, “when I think of church, what items are non-negotiable and what items do I just prefer?” I really had to peel at my own experiences to define core principles.


Do I need a worship band?

Do I need a sermon?

Do I need free coffee in the lobby?

Do I need the Lord’s Supper?

Do I need…


The teaching for the week helped us identify three categories of “church authority.”

  1. New Testament Commands—things Jesus (or the apostles) commanded us to do.  Examples: pray, give, love
  2. Apostolic Practices—practiced in the early church, but not commanded.  Examples:  fasting, worship on Sunday, speaking in tongues
  3. Human Traditions—practices not mentioned in the New Testament.  Examples:  Sunday school structure, dressing up for services

Just for fun, take inventory the next time you are “doing church.”  What things are non-negotiable and what things are preferences?

Our group made verinika from scratch
October 13, just outside Williams Lake, British Columbia
October 14, just outside Williams Lake, British Columbia