[original email date of February 20, 2018]

Below you will see a picture of me after 5 steps on Burundi soil.  I’ll let you write the caption:)

The phrase I use to describe the trip is ‘eye-opening.’  It has been some time since I’ve been to a developing country and there were many adjustments for me.  Things we take for granted here in North America (air conditioning, infastructure, technology) are not ‘givin’ there.  It’s one thing to visit a location and experience the culture and it is entirely different to visit a location knowing you will be living there in the near future.  I was convicted, on several occasions, of my entitlement to luxury and comfort that God has afforded me by being born into North America.  To live in any space outside of that requires a change in attitude.  There are attitudes and postures that I must surrender.  Jesus tells us ‘anything is possible’ in Mark chapter 9.  It is not impossible for me to live in Burundi; it is just different and that is part of God’s journey for me.  To live cross-culturally presents so many challenges.  The Lord will guide me in this adjustment (Psalm 86:11, ‘teach me your ways, O Lord…).
I did notice the differences, but I was also encouraged by the people.  The families were so welcoming to me.  From hosting, to feeding, to showing me around, they knew what I needed to see.  The local people were ecstatic (and surprised) when they heard I would be moving to their country this year.  What exactly I will DO when I get there is still open.  To start I’ll focus primarily on how to BE there.
After a few days back stateside when asked how I viewed the trip I reflected to a friend the analogy of a pineapple.  On the outside it is prickly, and wild, and rough.  But when you cut it open and get to the middle you find a soft, and fresh, and sweet core.  He will reveal to me what I need to learn about Burundi, about myself, and about Him.
Your prayer support was fierce!  Thank you!
Caption this…
Capital city of Bujumbura
Pastor’s conference
Required Africa photo (they absolutely loved having their picture taken)