Month: October 2018


Some pictures from France…

Countries represented in this picture (in alphabetical order):
Brazil, China, Indonesia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, United States
French names:
le Brésil, la Chine, l’Indonésie, l’Iran, l’Arabie saoudite, les États-Unis
Street leading up to Cathédrale Saint-Jean de Besançon
La Citadelle in Besançon
Parc Micaud in Besançon
Saturday morning coffee in Dijon with friends


Have you ever attended a wedding reception where you didn’t know anyone in the room?  Sure, you know the couple (why would you be there), but beyond them, it’s a sea of fresh faces.

You are work colleagues with the bride/groom.  You want to encourage and support your friend so you accept the invitation to attend.   You learn a little about your friend from the “Our Story” montage and from watching the couple interact with family and friends.  After a few minutes it’s your turn to congratulate the couple, offer a few kind words, and share an inside joke.  After greeting the featured couple you then reside on the social edge of this party.  Any future conversation will take a certain level of effort from you.  Some parties you are willing to give that effort and some parties you just don’t have it in you.  Quite often though, you bump into a couple or a group who genuinely invite you into warm conversation.  You relax in conversation for the duration of the party.

That’s what it feels like to be immersed in a new language.

You are on the edge of this big party.  Everyone in attendance has a connection to one another and you are trying to create your connection.  Thus, you look for people who will graciously accept your “start-up” connection.  Sometimes you find easy dialogue and sometimes you have to push into an uncomfortable exchange of words, looks, and silence.  Basically, you look for people of peace (Luke 10:6).

At my current party (if you will), I search for a small invitation.  I look to others for patience with my scrunched forehead, slack pronunciation, and exaggerated hand signals.  I look to others for an understanding smile.  I look to others to gift me French conversation.  I look for their peace.  I am learning (or re-learning…again) to be more peaceful to the world.  God wants us to be and accept people of peace (give/receive).  How many times have I been quick to receive but frustrated to give?  How many times have I been that cold person to someone who just for a moment needed a person of peace?  I know this lesson, right?  I’ve been on the edge before.  Help me, Precious Savior, to see the world as you see it.  Help me to radiate Your peace to others.