What one thing brings you joy today?  There can be some days it is difficult to find, but there has to be at least one thing which Jesus has given you today to “spark” real joy (to steal a phrase).  I believe we worship a big, big God who reveals Himself in the smallest of details.  What is it for you today?  Is it a cherished verse?  Is it the smell of fresh ground coffee?  Is it the sounds from beginner musicians?  Is it the smirk from a friend?  Is it a perfectly delivered movie line?  Is it a random memory sprung from the “vault?”  I’d love to hear about it.

For me, it’s this video.  JOY!!  I find myself returning to it often.  Today’s battle for our attention does not have space for a video of this length (over 2 minutes), thus I could not upload to this site and I had to link to YouTube.  A couple of months ago, a local church held a celebration event which combined worship and culture.  I was blessed to attend and I stood engulfed in unhinged joy.  The meager mic on my phone was simply overpowered and could do no justice to how it sounded or how it felt.  There’s a lot going on here for me.  I find joy in the galloping rhythm and the flag waving and the jumping worship leader.  I find joy in the standing drummer and the traditional dress and the full moon peeking just under the tin roof.  I find joy in the chanting crowd and the active hands and the pastor skipping on stage.  Hallelujah!!

“I have told you these things so that My joy and delight may be in you, and that your joy may be made full and complete and overflowing.” – John 15:11 AMP