After reading through Proverbs recently I had new awareness of its themes.  In Proverbs 2:10-11 Solomon (the wise king) makes a distinction between four items:

For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.

Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you. (NIV)

What is the difference between wisdom, knowledge, discretion, and understanding?  In general, I consider these words to be interchangeable, but Solomon states a purpose for each in Proverbs 2.  He uses these words often in his manuscripts, and yet, it reads like he has blurred their definitions.  Solomon seems to be lost in their meaning.  So why the distinction at the beginning of Proverbs?

In 2 Chronicles 1:10 we see Solomon ask for wisdom and knowledge.  He thought these two items were more valuable to him than wealth, riches, honor, vengeance, and eternal life.  Our Father is pleased by Solomon’s heart and provides beyond the initial request.  This same story from 1 Kings 3:7-15 tells of a request for “discernment” instead of wisdom and knowledge.

Is it all the same?

Does it even matter?

What is wise Solomon trying to say to us?

I am so confused.


For our concrete North American minds, the Webster definitions read:

Wisdom– knowledge of what is true or right coupled with just judgement as to action.

Knowledge– acquaintance with facts, truths, or principles, as from study or investigation.

Discretion– the power or right to decide or act according to one’s own judgement.

Understanding– mental process of a person who comprehends; intellectual faculties.

Webster didn’t provide me with clarify.

Here’s where I’ve landed…for today…

Wisdom comes to us by an outside source; whether from God, Spirit, man, or experience.  Wisdom is gifted to us and we humble ourselves to receive it (James 3:13-17).

Knowledge fills our mental capacity.  We gain knowledge through study and research; through earthly progress.

Discernment feels like a product of wisdom.  We can have all the angles to make a decision but, in the end, we reach a peace in order to take action.

Understanding feels like a product of knowledge, not only do we collect information, but we grasp how it connects with the rest of the world.


When I get stuck on what His plans are for me, I often pray, “Lord, reveal to me what I need to know, when I need to know it.”  Instead of spinning and stressing in what He will do, or how He will do it; I surrender to Him to bring me along in it.  He will reveal to me the wisdom, and knowledge, and discernment, and understanding, and any other words associated with the mind and heart.  And now that He has revealed these themes to me from Proverbs 2, I read the Bible with new eyes.


Disclaimer:  I have none of this figured out, I’m tangled up in words and many, many verses.  So, ironically, I pray He would continue to reveal these themes to me.

Do you have any insight?
How do you use these words?




How do you like your goat??
Bujumbura at dusk

4 thoughts on “REVEAL”

  1. You’ve undertaken a very interesting study of the 4 words !! With all due respect to Discretion and Understanding I’ve always been interested in Wisdom vrs. Knowledge. I’ve known several people who are self-conscious about their lack of “knowledge” especially formal education ( i.e. book learn’in ). Often, I do think they indeed may lack formal education but are loaded with WisdomII I tend to hold those with wisdom in higher esteem than knowledge ! Just my random thoughts…….. !!

  2. It is interesting that you and I have ended our meditatations with the same questions, even though I have a focus on a different verse. I have been wrestling with ” you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength”. I don’t think God means our totality, wether in love or wisdom. If so, wouldn’t He just say that? My gut says that your answers and my answers may be the same. Is our intelligence the result of brain impulses only? Will science one day show that we really do think with our gut, heart, or even our soul? We are to love God this way, including our strength. But,
    Is it all the same?
    Does it matter?
    And I too, am very confused!

    1. Hi Lee. I was intrigued by your questions the verse. I have wondered about that as well. Are you familiar with the Bible project? they have produced these videos. I have linked here the first video and they go through several of the key works in this passage to show what this passage means from the Hebrew perspective. I found it very interesting. We watched these on our recent trip to Ukraine.

  3. Hey Travis. I loved this blog and your questions. I have been reading Proverbs some as well. I have long memorized like many Proverbs 3.5-6. But asking in new ways, what does it mean for me to trust the Lord with my heart and not lean on my own intellect, my own reasoning, etc.

    Also the Bible project guys have done a recent podcast series on the wisdom literature. Here is there video on Solomon. But there is much to listen if you every want to check out there podcast on any topics. but you might enjoy it. I have listened much on my bike rides and they have given me some cool insight. BTW our friend Nasser knows these guys. 🙂

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