I don’t feel pressure to make this statement, but I do feel awareness by making this statement. Nobody is talking about it in Burundi. There are no protests. I’ve asked several people about it and often have to explain what is going on in America (to the best of my one-sided ability). As soon as I say the word ‘racism’ everyone nods in agreement; they understand it from their own context.

For me, saying “Black Lives Matter” brings awareness to my actions. It makes me reflect on those times I didn’t have the heart of Jesus for the voiceless, the oppressed, the forgotten or, to put it simply, those who were different from me. It makes me aware of my ignorance in my own culture.

And WHY didn’t I “get it”??? That’s the hard question.

Because Selfish Travis wanted to be funny, he had other things to do, he wanted to talk about something easy, he was embarrassed to ask questions, he didn’t have time for the response, he didn’t know the full history, he was comfortable in the life he was living and couldn’t see the mistreatment of others.

I want to reflect on those times where I flippantly made a comment that cut deep into someone’s heart. Maybe I can’t exactly identify those times, but I know they are there.

I want to reflect on those times where I missed the opportunity to learn someone’s story. Times where I let my assumptions (bias/prejudice/ignorance) about our differences stand between actually getting to KNOW about our differences.

I want to see where my brokenness failed my friends, family, and community. I want to see it because my silence and casual attitude have suppressed so many who are hurting (is that even the right word????). It’s obvious by the reaction in my home country right now.

Where did my selfish actions miss everything that Jesus stood up for?

There are others who are feeling suppressed and frustrated within my culture. One could insert any number of proper nouns in the phrase, but right now, it’s Black Lives Matter. This time, I want to listen and actually hear. It was really difficult for me to write this post. I couldn’t find the words. I couldn’t connect one idea to another. It’s hard and that shows me just how much I’ve missed. There’s an awareness of how much I don’t understand. But, I want to be here, I want to learn through the hard stuff. I want to hear Jesus when He tells me, “you’re not getting it. Pay attention. THIS is the Kingdom.”