Last month I was fortunate to visit the city of Lubumbashi in the Democratic Republic of Congo. I was there to visit a team of people with a vision to serve their community. With the assistance of Global Vision 2020 this team operates a mobile eye clinic. They search for locations in the city where they can have access to a public space and where they can find favor by the local administration. Currently, the location is a meeting hall of an organization that provides free legal advice to people of the community. Next month, they hope to partner with a local medical clinic to offer eyecare services. The materials to operate the clinic are easy to transport and the set-up and tear-down time occurs within one hour. A free consultation consists of basic testing for eye disease and vision testing for corrective lenses. If eye disease is discovered the client is referred to a more advanced consultation by a professional. Glasses can be purchased for approximately 1/5th the cost of designer frames at neighboring eyewear stores. The entire process for the client from intake to the purchase of eyewear is about 20 minutes. In general, the population doesn’t think of vision as a priority for their health and they typically think it is too expensive to correct. This clinic provides an option for eyecare.




The service they provided was affordable, accessible, and professional. Clients were welcomed, informed, and prepared for the consultation. Service was quick and effective. I complimented them on the clarity of the process and the friendly service they offered to their clients. The team operated with a clear understanding of the needs they were there to meet. Each team member had a role to play for the clinic. During my visit on one day the clinic received 31 consultations and 15 clients purchased eyeglasses. There was a family of 5 who all received consultations, and all walked out of the clinic with new glasses. Their needs were met!!

At the end of each clinic day the team tears down the materials and shares lunch together at a local eatery. It was a core value for their team to eat together and discuss the day and what things they could improve upon.

The commitment of the team to serve the community was the lasting image from my visit. While the team was made up of Christians, they did not think it beneficial to add another church to the crowded faith community in Lubumbashi. Perhaps an organized church comes later for them, but for now their vision is to support the community and develop themselves, and others, as leaders. God will reveal to them when to take the next step.

My prayer during the visit was Amos 4:13, “he who forms the mountains, creates the wind, and reveals his thoughts to man, he who turns dawn to darkness, and treads the high places of the earth—the Lord God Almighty is his name.” I also invite you to pray for this team. Pray for unity in their vision. Pray for community awareness of the affordable options this clinic offers. Pray for good stewardship of resources. Pray the name of the Lord would be revealed through this team to those whom they serve.