I meet weekly with a men’s group of Westerners. We typically read a book of the Bible and discuss our observations. We pray together and share our victories and defeats from the week. We all have different reasons for being in Burundi and we enjoy gathering together to support one another. Recently we discussed the complexity of relationships in this context. Being an outsider to the culture it is extremely difficult to know how to navigate power structures. Someone in the group made the observation that our paths have been paved through the consistent prayers of others. We affirmed his observation. There are power structures at play which we are blind to, but someone, somewhere has covered us. There are places we are peacefully allowed to pass where others face opposition. There are shelters over our travels and shields to protect our day-to-day health.
For those of you who “dig in” without knowing exactly how to pray I graciously say, “thank you.” Our God knows. Our God hears you. You should know your faithfulness is rewarded. I was humbled to acknowledge there are people around the globe who have been paving a way for my good fortune and protection in this place. His mercy has covered my steps and my thoughts and my soul. His power and majesty are felt in my daily life. I see His providence in the ministry opportunities I’m involved with. My health has been restored and I feel fresh. Rarely am I slowed with food sickness issues. I am fortunate to travel all over this country to meet so many people, and if you’ve been here, you know the challenges of travel. There are so many things I simply do not understand, but God clears a path for me to pass.

His glory spreads over the earth. He goes before us. He touches the hearts of others before we arrive.

Thank you, Jesus for hearing our cries and petitions. We praise You for what You have done and will continue to do.

“Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.” – Genesis 15:1

Good roads in Tanzania!!
You always hope for just 1 more win, but these guys represented Karubabi well. So proud of them!!
Skit to open a teaching session in Bubanza province.
It was close!!

Teaching sessions in Kirundo province