We just finished Week# 2 of the Harvest Evangelism Campaign. I have posted about this event in the past. It has been one of my favorite experiences during my time in Burundi. Harvest Initiatives equips evangelists in the local church to go out and to visit with people about the Gospel. During this time many stories return of prayer, healing, and changed lives for Jesus. It is an exciting time and a highlight for the year.

Local church in the Mwaro province

My role in the Campaign has been to travel around Burundi with a team to show the Jesus Film. This year has been challenging because of the fuel situation in Burundi. I was not confident we would accomplish our mission to arrive at all 11 communities with the film. I am happy to report that by God’s traveling mercies we did not have to cancel for any of the locations. I was encouraged by the eager faces which greeted us when we arrived at each place. While we would set up the screen and sound equipment joyful people danced, played, ran around, and watched in anticipation of this unique experience.

The Jesus Film team (left to right, me, Jean Baptiste, Christophe, Lucien)
What we ate
Sunset in Rutana province
Futball prior to the film in Mwaro province

A short story from the Campaign this year…

On the Zina hill of the Bubanza province live two women one named IRANKUNDA, the mother-in-law, and another named KWIZERA, her daughter-in-law. These two women had been in conflict for the past 5 years. While they lived in the same family compound, they could not bring themselves to greet one another. IRANKUNDA was not allowed to even hold her grandchildren (they lived in the same compound mind you!!!). When the evangelists visited the family this year they shared the Good News with them. The whole family cried because everyone realized that it was the enemy who had separated them. The Good News changed their hearts!! They repented. They greeted one another. They drank from the same cup once again.

“And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations.” – Revelation 22:2b