I have returned to Kansas for a few months to be refreshed around friends and family. I’ll be sharing at a few venues and keep you updated on those opportunities. I spent the past week in Abbotsford, Canada visiting many friends from Multiply. I had not been there for a visit since my initial training time in 2017 and I have fond memories of that period of my life. I recalled a gentle God ushering me towards a life in Burundi. His patience and wisdom were building in me with each step.

A pivotal sign post for me

My time in Canada last week was centered on an intentional retreat with other workers and colleagues. There was space to reflect on this past term and specifically this past year. I have had a frustrating and challenging 2024 in Burundi. Several times I found myself “on edge” with certain situations and disappointed with relationships. I’m not sure I have it all processed yet, but this time in Canada was serene. The encouragement from my colleagues and a refilling by the Wonderful Counselor was just what I needed. There is no better caretaker of our soul than our Creator.

After the retreat time I traveled through the Cascade Mountains to visit a friend in central Washington state. I enjoyed catching up with my friend. There was also time for an afternoon hike to Margaret Lake near Snoqualmie Pass, WA. What a beautiful time of year to be in that region!

Margaret Lake
Wenatchee National Forest

In a previous post in May I reflected on Peter’s exclamation upon seeing the Transfiguration of Jesus (Matthew 17). As I think about these coming months in Kansas (and other places) I, again, proclaim his words, “Lord, it is good for us to be here.”

I look forward to seeing you and catching up with you. Please reach out and we can connect.

Sour cream donut and black coffee at Tim Horton’s!!!