[original email date of September 17, 2017]


Our training team of 8 people from all over the world (Austria, Canada, Germany, Ukraine, USA) met for the first time in Winnipeg in mid-August.  We spent 10 days getting to know one another and trying to form our own community.  Our housing was an abandoned warehouse refurbished to accommodate a church; Winnipeg Centre Vineyard.

Winnipeg Centre Vineyard

  We each selected a Sunday school room to serve as a bedroom and cobbled together various bedding to form our individual beds.  We cooked and shopped for our own meals.  We tried to find some kind routine to our day even though we would be there for a short period of time.


Our days were filled with experiences of a new culture and new city.  We partnered with several churches in the North End of the city to experience their model of ministry.  The North End has a high population of First Nations people and we received several teaching sessions on history, traditions, ceremonies, and testimonies.  We met some very open and friendly people who blessed us with their stories.  It was a full 10 days of learning.

Mural on wall of Winnipeg Centre Vineyard


There were numerous adjustments as we entered the training process; new culture, new community, new routines, and new languages.  That was intentional.  This piece of training was designed to give us experiences we can reflect on when we face new and different circumstances in the future.  What do you do when faced with traditions that are not your own?  How do you react in circumstances that make you uncomfortable?  How do you find common ground with people who are different from you?  Scripture and prayer were our guideposts as we were challenged to listen, to engage, and to experience all that was presented.  Some of these items we’ll reflect on throughout our time in Canada.
On to Abbotsford (to paraphrase Coach Belichick)…
Preparing to jump the border in North Dakota
Stage at Winnipeg Centre Vineyard
Our dining table