[original email date of April 14, 2018]
Hello all,

My next few weeks are filled with several gatherings where I’ll share pictures and stories from both my journey and my recent trip to Burundi.  I invite you to join me if it fits your schedule; come, participate, ask questions, and eat dessert.  If these dates don’t work for you I would be happy to gather with you and/or a group of friends at a different time.

April 17, Tuesday
April 24, Tuesday
April 30, Monday
May 1, Tuesday
All gatherings will be at First MB Church (8000 W 21st St in Wichita) at 7PM.  Dessert will be provided.  Please RSVP if you intend on coming; that will help me prepare.  Thanks!
1)  Jesus, guide us as we show Your love to the world.  There is no fear in love.  You command us to love one another, fill our hearts with love for those created in your image.  1 John 4:18, 21
2)  Lord, teach us to think differently in how we engage the world.  You are active here and in all corners of the globe and You invite us to be a part of it.  Help us to be obedient to Your nudge.  2 Corinthians 10:3-5
Hope to see you soon!
Travis Jost
Project# 0780
I enjoyed this sign from a Bujumbura coffee shop (by-the-by, you’ll notice the sign is in English).