[original email date of July 17, 2018]

Details, details, details…I am swimming in details right now.

To God’s great glory I am 100% funded!!  A big ‘thank you’ to all of you for your tireless support and encouragement.  For the last several months partnership development has been my main focus.  Bang the drum!  Now that God has provided me with my goal I can move on to logistics and details regarding a launch date, language learning, living abroad, and navigating a different culture.  And that’s where I have to surrender.  It is tough to juggle the thoughts of each one of those items and I have to step back and let God deliver each item in His timing.  I’ve been talking about it to you all for so long and I knew it would ultimately get here, but “oh my goodness…goodness gracious” now that it’s here there is so much more to think about (I love this audio, too dramatic????).  God is in the details.  God is in the big picture.  God loves to see His kingdom at work in bringing the impossible to reality.
Speaking of…about 2 years ago I was asked the question, “what seems impossible to you?”  My response…”living on mission full-time…without a job.”  It seemed like the most absurd, distant, wacky idea for this guy to live such a life.  With God’s provision and your help I’m standing on the launch pad of His reality (Isaiah 26:11).
What can’t HE do???????
Sheesh…I shake my head.


Next steps for me are to arrange for language school in eastern France.  I’ll do French language emersion for approximately 8 weeks before moving on to Burundi.  I’m looking at one-way flights (now there’s a wild experience) and zeroing in on a launch date (sometime in August) and I’ll keep you updated when I know more.
Travis Jost
Project# 0780

My Prayers:

1) I lift up to You, Almighty God, the details of Your plan.  I will fill my part but You will guide and prompt me.
2) King of Kings, I ask to be fully present in the moments You gift me and to be Your vessel in those moments.
Bang the drum!!
Roger Clemens “dramatic” return to the Yankees (click on the audio link above)