Where I’ve Been

I am finished with language immersion in France.  I finished two months of classes at the language school and I feel like I can manage simple French conversation.  I have a good base and I hope to continue with language study in Burundi.  General conversation is still fast but I can pull out some words and in most cases get a basic understanding of what is being said.  God blessed me with a knowledgable and supportive host family.  I am forever grateful to them for their patience, hospitality, acceptance, and for cutting me off from English on Day 5 (whoa!).  I pray someday we can meet and I can hold up my end of the French conversation and we can laugh again like we did in that house.

A day trip to Paris to visit friends. Can you believe this view?? What an apartment!!
(anybody know how to edit the Scaffolding Tower out of this pic–dang)
Ma famille française! Parfait!

After France, I spent 5 days in Estoril, Portugal for a retreat with my organization.  It was a great time to connect with others out in the field.  I got to catch up with some of my colleagues from training in the fall of 2017.  I enjoyed spending time with the families from Burundi and I look forward to joining them.  I was also encouraged to see multiple connectors to my home church.  It was a good feeling to see our congregation in support of mission work and to see familiar faces from home.

Portugal just flat showing off here.

From there I traveled to western Germany to visit dear friends from my early days in Wichita.  We explored the region with a few day trips and experienced local cuisine and landmarks.  We laughed at the odds of us reuniting again in Europe all these years later.  Who would have believed it??

Looking to fit in.
Brussels day trip
Of course we had the waffles! With Nutella and bananas please.

After that I traveled by train through Germany and Switzerland.  I wish I could tell you stories of all the people I met and the things I saw, but along the way I caught the flu bug which forced me to retreat and recharge.  I never thought I’d get sick BEFORE I got to Africa.  I’m not sure what God has in this but I’ve had to slow down and rest.

Zurich, Switzerland
I highly recommend the Halls cough drops. “A pep talk in every drop.” Where the Oelzes at???

Where I’m Going

I’ve got a plane ticket out of Geneva, Switzerland to Bujumbura, Burundi (that’s another one-way ticket) on November 12.  The families there have been working hard to ensure I have a smooth transition.  They already secured a furnished apartment for me with a 6-month lease.  It is comforting to know I have a place to settle into once I get there.  I’ll then search for options to further language learning, find a vehicle, and get to know the area.

And then I’ll be living in Africa (pffffftttt)…

2 thoughts on “MOVING”

  1. I’m pretty sure God is telling me to tell you NOT to buy those shorts. Leather shouldn’t be treated that way.

    10,000 congratulations and prayers!

  2. I love it! Thank you, Trav! “High five yourself.”
    I’m praying this very minute for:
    – Physical healing.
    – Continued growth, supernatural growth in language.
    – Provisions with God connections; you’ll lead the person who sells you an amazing car, reliable long lasting car, to Jesus and a long fruitful journey of discipleship. Your apartment neighbors will want to show you around, get to know you, teach you more language while wanting to know more about Jesus Christ. 
    – For continued spiritual growth, faith growth. 
    – For real, deep relationships for you. People to disciple, encourage you. Laughter like you experienced in Paris while building and stretching you!

    Be well my amazing friend! I love seeing our Savior so alive and overflowing from you. I see that in your words, photos, and actions. 

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