What do missionaries look like? What images do you have?

Matthew 9:35-10:42
Power up for the day (clockwise; boiled banana, rice, beans, boiled eggplant, ndagala & onions)
Can you find the homes in this place?
“You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace” -Isaiah 55:12a
“The mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” -Isaiah 55:12b
Harvester leaders; François (left) and Lucien (right)
Déo (left), Harvester regional leader and Reverend Venant (right), Musinzira Emmanuel Community Church
Harvester leaders; Divine (left) and Pacifique (right)
Gathering to tell stories of the day (“and you will be my witnesses”)
“Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves.” -Luke 10:3
What is your prayer for them?


1 thought on “LOOKS 2.0”

  1. What great pictures of people I don’t know but one can see the passion in their energetic faces. What an experience you are having!! You’ve given us a good descriptive lay of the land. As you become more conversant in the language it is going to be interesting to hear their responses to your interest in and dedication to them. Although one doesn’t really need words to pick up on those types of responsive feelings from others. As the work progresses it will be great feedback for you. Thanks for keeping us in the loop.

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