Recently, the Antioch School held a graduation for over 30 church leaders. These leaders completed coursework which covered topics of defining the Church, embracing the role of the Church, reengaging with their personal calling, and growing into healthy leaders in Christ.

The graduates

Some testimonies from the day…

Jean Claude from Ngozi said, “it was eye-opening to see how to practically apply faith and knowledge. I was encouraged by the teaching method of adult learning which centers around discussion (not lectures) and sharing ideas with one another. Interaction with my fellow colleagues was instrumental in my growth with this course. Our sharing allowed us to repent and correct previous teachings and look to the future of building our church communities. I want to bring these teachings to my church to encourage believers in their role in God’s Kingdom.”

Fabien from Karusi said, “I had difficulty balancing time between ministry and family. I failed my family. This course helped me to reinvest in my family. My wife says, ‘may the Lord bless Antioch School!!’ It also gave me a clear picture of the Church. The Church is a family of families. Antioch helped me to resolve conflict within the church family and helped me to identify the gifts of the Spirit from Ephesians 4.”

Jeanvié from Bujumbura said, “this course was useful for me to repent of how I treated my congregation. I was careless and abusive of money. Time and time again my churches failed and I just moved on to the next one. I didn’t understand my calling or my role. I didn’t know how to raise up leaders in the church. Antioch enlightened me in how to care for the church and shed light on my previous weakness. It also brought me back to my family. I spent too much time investing in ministry and not enough time caring for my family. Antioch rescued my family and my church.”

Dorothy, wife of a pastor, said, “I see real transformation in my husband. Before this course he was never home. When he was home he was exhausted and our five children were not getting his attention. We moved from one church to another, many times in our ministry. With Antioch we found stability. We found our identity rooted in Christ and His love for the local church. Our lives are now stable, we no longer move between churches. We can now see our calling in God’s Kingdom.”

Onesphore MANIRAKIZA provides leadership and teaching for the Antioch School, many of you have met him or heard him speak. Please pray for him as he invests in these leaders.

Story after story was shared at the celebration. Antioch continues to work with leaders in Burundi and surrounding countries to call the Church to its mission. If you would like to support this ministry you can donate here.

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