“You’ve really challenged my thinking.”

This was a closing remark from a pastor in Ruyigi province this past month. Fifteen pastors came together to explore ways the local church can engage the community. This is a new concept for churches in Burundi. The general history of the church here would focus on evangelism, worship, and prayer. It has done (and continues to do) incredible ministry in these areas and there is much we (Western church) can learn. Community development, however, has been the focus of aid organizations.

Pastors of Ruyigi

Through biblical teaching these pastors dialogued about how the Church can live into its role. They were challenged to view the Church as the vehicle to transform communities. Is it possible for the Church to be the driving force for community development? Who better to understand the needs of the community? Is it possible the “united Body” could meet all the needs of its people? The Church is in a unique position to lead people into whole-life transformation and thus impact groups of people (communities).

Discipleship of the whole person is a challenging concept but one that is stirring the hearts of pastors in this country. Teaching from this time in Ruyigi was anchored in Matthew 22:34-40:

“Jesus replied, ‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’

This is the first and greatest commandment.

A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.” [NLT]

Over the four-day training they discussed topics on community development, discipleship, empowerment, forming teams, and how the Church is positioned to impact all these areas. It was inspiring to see them learn, listen, dream, and pray together. Similar teachings are scheduled this year in different provinces of Burundi. You can pray for whole-life transformation to cover this country.

Prayer for the communities
Pastor Sam and I at the first of several teaching trips this year