Faithful friends,

Whoa! I did not see this coming. It started as a fever and fatigue, then compounded to headache and extreme dizziness, and has led to the longest hospital stay of my life. In early August I called on the help of a friend in the medical field to care for me as I was not confident in caring for myself. After days of IVs, medicines, and rest we were able to control the fever and headache. But the extreme dizziness remained. I was unstable on my feet and needed assistance to walk.

Seeing no improvement with my off-balance condition a trusted group of medical professionals/colleagues/friends decided I should travel to Nairobi, Kenya for extensive testing.

Accompanied by a friend to manage the flying process we flew to Kenya on August 18. I was admitted to the hospital that same day and the testing began. Over the next few days an MRI revealed a “small stroke” in the pons area of my brain. The pons area controls balance. Over the following days I went through several tests on my blood and heart. At this date there is no definitive reason for the blood clot, just well reasoned guesses. I’ve begun medication to thin my blood and started physical therapy in Kenya to retrain the pons area to balance again. The doctors expect a full recovery.

I have been released from the hospital with a few doctors visits still remaining. They are confident I am stable to fly and I expect to return to Kansas late next week for my previously scheduled home visit and continued physical therapy.

Words don’t feel adequate but…I am grateful for the team of people in Burundi who cared for me and made decisions for me when I was unable to do those things for myself. I am grateful for the resources and expertise at the Nairobi hospital. I am grateful and deeply moved by your prayer discipline, shared verses, and concern. Thank you! He hears us. I am grateful for a merciful God who “made a way” and is teaching me of His daily miracles. 1 John 1:1-4 has been meaningful to me during this time.

I look forward to seeing you soon.
